Impaired Driving Charges in Ontario

Knowing the legal limit

The legal limit is 80 milligrams of alcohol in one hundred millimetres of blood.

Your criminal record

If the concentration of alcohol in your blood exceeds 160 milligrams of alcohol in one hundred millimetres of blood, then this alcohol level reading is considered to be aggravating in the Criminal Code of Canada and may be a cause for a more severe sentence. Moreover, unlike traffic offences, a conviction for an impaired driving or over 80 offence will result in you having a criminal record.

Turning things around

Impaired driving and over 80 offences are seriously prosecuted because of public safety concerns. In addition, it is common to raise Charter violation issues in impaired driving or over 80 offences. For these reasons, it is advisable that you retain the services of a lawyer when facing such charges. There are some programs for alcohol or drug rehabilitation that may be useful in your case and if successfully completed, may allow you to obtain a better sentence if convicted of an impaired driving or over 80 offence. At SHUKAIRY LAW we will vigorously defend your rights and we will provide you with the best possible defence and advice that match the facts of your case.


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