Maya's Must Reads: Top 3 Recommendations
Maya Shukairy • 4 January 2021

2020 is finally over and it is time to start afresh. A good way to start the new year is to adopt a new mentality and start with new ideas to cope with the year ahead. If anything, 2020 has taught us the importance of flexibility and adaptability in the face of major challenges. What’s a better way to adopt new ideas and techniques than reading books that teach us techniques and methods to change? Here are three recommendations for books that were released in 2020. If you have not read them in 2020, it is a good idea to read them now at the beginning of the year to learn from them.

1- Your Next Five Moves – Master the Art of Business Strategy

By Patrick Bet-David with Greg Dinkin

This is a business book and it provides excellent business advice and yet its tips easily apply a well to other areas in life. The book is premised on the idea that “effective strategy is about making a move and being prepared to launch another series of moves based on how the market or your competition reacts” (Introduction p. XII). The analogy that the author uses is the game of chess, where a grand master of chess is able to see twelve moves ahead. The book is packed with all kinds of useful advice and strategies and is a useful guide not just for business but for life in general.

For more information about the author, you can follow him on social media and also listen to his podcasts or YouTube channels : Valuetainment and the Bet-David Show.


By Jay Shetty

This book is interesting. It is the first book ever written by former monk turned social media star Jay Shetty. After living for three years as a monk, Jay Shetty decided to leave the monastic life and was on a mission to make wisdom viral. He used social media to spread his wisdom messages posting extensively on YouTube and through his podcast On Purpose. His message is mainly aimed at providing practical tips for daily life practices that allow us to find peace and purpose. Jay teaches how to acquire the wisdom and peace of mind of monks without having to actually live like a monk. This book summarizes all the wisdom tips and messages Jay has been offering through his social media platforms. If you do not know Jay Shetty, this book is a good way to get to know more about his philosophy. This book is also a good book to read at this time when we are facing so many uncertainties and where it is difficult at times to find inner peace.

For more information about Jay Shetty, you can find him on all social media platforms and you can also listen to his podcast On Purpose.

3- The Archer by Paulo Coelho

By Jay Shetty

This is the latest book by famous author Paulo Coelho. The author needs no introduction. If you never heard of him, you were probably living under a rock. The Archer is a very simple and elegantly written book. It is written in the typical Coelho style and provides wisdom messages through a simple story. The book contains beautiful illustrations and can easily be read in one weekend.

About The Author

Maya Shukairy is a criminal defence lawyer based in Ottawa, Ontario. Before becoming a criminal defence lawyer, she worked in a Crown’s Office gaining experience working as a Crown prosecutor. Maya offers her services in English, French and Arabic. Shukairy Law has affordable rates and accepts Legal Aid certificates.

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