Brandon Smeltzer: ‘I did the crime, I'll do the time’
Maya Shukairy • 21 October 2018

CORNWALL, Ont. — Making his first court appearance in the death of his former girlfriend, Brandon Smeltzer declined his right to an attorney and declared himself “guilty” in a Cornwall courtroom Friday morning.

This article from the Ottawa Citizen about an incident that happened last Friday in the Cornwall courthouse shows yet again the importance of at least consulting a lawyer when you are facing criminal charges. Especially when the charges are as serious as the ones in this case,  it becomes even more important to obtain legal advice in order to understand the situation you are facing.

Even if you think you know how you want your matter to proceed, there is still a process that needs to be followed and you must be wary of it, understand it and know how it works. Legal advice from a lawyer will at least help you understand the way the system works and may also make you really decide whether you want to proceed the way you think you want. Do not be impulsive and reactive when it comes to legal proceedings and make sure you have legal advice before you make any decision.

You can read the full article here :

About The Author

Maya Shukairy is a criminal defence lawyer based in Ottawa, Ontario. Before becoming a criminal defence lawyer, she worked in a Crown’s Office gaining experience working as a Crown prosecutor. Maya offers her services in English, French and Arabic. Shukairy Law has affordable rates and accepts Legal Aid certificates.

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CAUTION: the information on this page does not constitute legal advice and is NOT a substitute for legal advice. To obtain legal advice please refer to a lawyer. If you do not have a lawyer and you are seeking legal advice, you may contact us at (613) 670-5819.

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