Drunk driver Marco Muzzo, who killed 3 kids and their grandfather, denied day and full parole
Maya Shukairy • 7 November 2018

GRAVENHURST, ONT.—Convicted drunk driver Marco Muzzo — who in 2015 crashed into a minivan north of Toronto killing three children and their grandfather — has been denied parole at his first opportunity.

At his parole hearing Wednesday, Muzzo, 32, asked the board for release on day parole. He pleaded guilty in court in 2016 to several counts of impaired driving causing death and bodily harm for the 2015 crash that killed 65-year-old Gary Neville and his three grandchildren, Daniel Neville-Lake, 9, Harrison, 5, and Milagros, 2. The children’s grandmother and great-grandmother were also seriously injured when Muzzo’s SUV slammed into the family’s minivan.

For the full article, please visit the following link : https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2018/11/07/convicted-drunk-driver-marco-muzzo-who-killed-3-kids-and-their-grandfather-set-for-parole-hearing-today.html

About The Author

Maya Shukairy is a criminal defence lawyer based in Ottawa, Ontario. Before becoming a criminal defence lawyer, she worked in a Crown’s Office gaining experience working as a Crown prosecutor. Maya offers her services in English, French and Arabic. Shukairy Law has affordable rates and accepts Legal Aid certificates.

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